Is this website the same as freeflowtalk?
Yes this website is FreeFlowTalk ,just a mini and simplified version.
Does Free Flow Mini have a market place?
No We do not have a marketplace , the market place is on our full network.
Is it free?
Yes All websites connected to Free Flow Talk are free of charge.
Some one told me I might have to pay to use the website, is this true?
No FreeFlowTalk is and will remain completly free of charge.
What is the difference between the mini and fullsite?
The difference is the m ini site is simplified and easy to use ,with a 1000 character limit and not as many feautures as the main website.
Why did you make the mini site?
We made the mini site for simplicity and ease of use.
Will there be an app?
Yes there will be an app for this site published on a public post.
Will the same rules apply?
Yes the same rules apply across our entire network.
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